Why Attend
What is IWIPS?
IWIPS is an interdisciplinary forum of professionals from industry, academia and government working on issues related to globalisation and localisation of products and systems. It is unique in that it appeals to a variety of delegates working in various areas of internationalisation, supporting the effective transfer of information and technology to different cultures, countries and markets. IWIPS is organized by the non-profit organisation Product & Systems Internationalisation, Inc. (P & SI), which is based in the United States (EIN 38-3653207).
What will I get out of IWIPS?
IWIPS is not only a highly interactive forum, including presented papers (research and case study), breakout sessions and invited keynote speakers, but also provides delegates with the opportunity to further develop their skills by attending tutorials on specific areas of internationalisation presented by leaders in industry and academia. The size and format of the workshop, (approximately 100-150 delegates) facilitates networking with colleagues from around the world and the exchange of stimulating ideas and practical tips.
Is IWIPS truly international?
Yes. Costs to delegates are kept as low as possible, to ensure that those from overseas or without substantial institutional or corporate support can attend. Since its beginning in 1999, IWIPS has attracted delegates from more than 29 countries and six continents.
Why is IWIPS relevant to Internationalisation?
An understanding of the wide variety of internationalisation issues addressed at IWIPS is directly relevant to success in designing, developing, manufacturing and marketing commercial products and systems overseas. The mixture of both the industry and the academic perspective that is provided by the conference makes it a unique event covering all of these important factors.
What is the Conference Structure?
- Tutorials
- Workshops
- Paper presentations and case studies
- Invited talks from international experts and key authors
- Breakout discussion sessions
- A panel discussion on business issues related to internationalisation and localisation
- Student poster presentations
- Networking opportunities during breaks and social events
What is the scope?
- Business and academic perspectives on the topic of internationalisation and localisation
- The influence of culture on user requirements and behaviour
- Networked communities: Culture and Computer Mediated Communication
- Addressing the cultural divide: Can technology overcome cultural boundaries?.
- Mobile devices: Issues concerning international and local use
- Adaptive interfaces: Adapting for culture
- Methodologies and best practices in international product development beyond translation
- Cross-cultural user research: Findings and innovative methods
- Theory, methods, and assessment techniques for international product and system evaluation
- " Actually being there " - getting immersed in a foreign cultural context
IWIPS - a great international tradition
- IWIPS 1999 in Rochester, New York, USA
- IWIPS 2000 in Baltimore, Maryland, USA
- IWIPS 2001 in Milton Keynes, UK
- IWIPS 2002 in Austin, Texas, USA
- IWIPS 2003 in Berlin, Germany
- IWIPS 2004 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
- IWIPS 2005 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- IWIPS 2007 in Merida, Mexico