Call for Papers
Important dates
Paper submission deadline: |
February, 28th 2007 (extended) |
Author’s notification: |
March, 18th 2007 |
Camera ready copy of paper: |
April, 15th 2007 |
Author guidelines
Guidelines (38K)
Submission topics
Suggested topics include (but are not limited to) the following:
- Business and academic perspectives on the topic of internationalisation and localisation.
- The influence of culture on user requirements and behaviour.
- Networked communities: Culture and Computer Mediated Communication.
- Addressing the cultural divide: Can technology overcome cultural boundaries?.
- Mobile devices: Issues concerning international and local use.
- Adaptive interfaces: Adapting for culture.
- Methodologies and best practices in international product development beyond translation.
- Cross-cultural user research: Findings and innovative methods.
- Theory, methods, and assessment techniques for international product and system evaluation.
Submission categories
- Papers - Formal reports of completed research, organized on a modified APA model. Length: no more than 10 pages in proceedings format.
- Case Studies - Structured descriptions of lessons learned in applied product development within industry. Length: 4 - 8 pages in proceedings format.
- Research-in-Progress - Briefs describing the background, procedures, anticipated results, and preliminary findings (if any) of ongoing research or applied product development. Length: 6 - 10 pages in proceedings format. (Graduate students are encouraged to submit R-I-Ps based on their theses and dissertations.).
- Student Posters – Presentation of student projects at-a-glance in the form of a poster at the conference. Additionally, a description of the work will be published in the conference proceedings. Length: 4 - 8 pages in proceedings format.
Review criteria
All submissions will enter a blind peer-review process, and will be reviewed by at least two qualified referees. Papers will be assessed according to the following criteria:
- Contribution to the field. The paper must make a clear contribution to the audience addressed. Papers with one significant contribution are more likely to be accepted than papers with numerous, lesser contributions.
- Validity of results. The results presented in the paper must be provided with clear evidence, including the study's methodology, in a way that the reader can understand with confidence.
- Originality of the work. Previously published work on which the paper is built must be cited. The paper must make a clear presentation of prior research, and describe in which way, where and why the submitted paper exceeds earlier efforts.
- Clarity of presentation. The paper must be written according to the format guidelines as well as clearly and concisely, with an appropriate use of graphical aids. (Colour illustrations are discouraged, as are screenshots of Web pages.) Authors should keep in mind that English will not be the first language of some readers. Simplicity and the use of a limited, basic vocabulary is recommended.
Submission’s address
Please send the submissions to the paper review chair Thomas Mandl:
If you have any further questions please visit the website or email to the local chairs Christian Sturm or Mario Alberto Moreno Rocha: